Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years Novel

secretly cultivate for a thousand years chapter 23

Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years Chapter 23 is an intriguing online Chinese novel about a powerful immortal named Bai Xiaochun who inadvertently reincarnates as a weak person. As he goes through this strange new world, he discovers that the secret to real strength and immortality is the mastery of one’s inner energy, or “qi.” In chapter 23, Bai Xiaochun runs into a fresh challenge that perils his progress and life. The chapter gives new insights into farming while jam-packed with action and mystery.


Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years Chapter 23 indicates the turning point in the narrative. In this chapter, the main character, Liu Xuan, encounters a difficult obstacle that tests his physical and mental fortitude. The chapter is essential to the novel’s storyline, containing suspense, action, and character growth.

The challenge that Liu Xuan must pass to advance to the next stage of training is set up in the chapter’s opening scene before a mighty mountain. Liu Xuan can feel the danger hiding inside the mist-covered mountain. He takes a deep breath and starts to climb, determined to finish the task.

The terrain gets more dangerous as he moves higher. Liu Xuan needs to employ every one of his martial arts prowess to stay balanced as the road narrows. In addition, he has trouble breathing as the air becomes thinner. Notwithstanding these difficulties, Liu Xuan keeps moving forward while focusing on the mountain’s summit.

Liu Xuan reaches a plateau after many hours of ascent. He pauses for a moment to collect himself and scan his surroundings. He had shocked to discover himself on a big, grassy plain. The haze has lifted, revealing a brilliant blue sky and a breathtaking panorama of the surroundings.

Stunning Scenery

The stunning scenery briefly draws Liu Xuan’s attention, but he soon understands that the true challenge has just begun. A gang of strong growers with lethal weapons comes from the shadows. Liu Xuan notices that he is being surrounded and must defend himself.

The subsequent struggle is tough and brutal. Liu Xuan fights off his attackers with the full force of his martial arts training, but he is outnumbered and outgunned. She Liu Xuan’s power starts to decline as the cultivators’ energy reserves appear limitless.

When everything appears to go, Liu Xuan accesses a secret source of strength. He directs his newly discovered energy, chi, into his assaults. His opponents lose one by one as his attacks get stronger and faster.

In Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years, Chapter 23, conflict drags on for hours, but Liu Xuan ultimately prevails. He is sweating and panting as he stands by himself amid the plain. His power and expertise are demonstrated by the bodies of his defeated adversaries lying about him.

When everything appears to be gone, Liu Xuan accesses a secret source of strength. He directs his newly discovered energy, chi, into his assaults. His opponents lose one by one as his attacks get stronger and faster.

Liu Xuan recognizes that this task is more than simply a test of his martial arts prowess as he regains his composure. Instead, his moral character and determination were put to the test. To beat his opponents, he had to locate the power within himself, and in doing so, he learned something about himself.


The author needs to find out when Chapter 23 of Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years will release. Yet, if we examine the dates of the earlier chapters, we may observe a typical pattern. The final installment of this Manhwa was released on September 30, 2022. It was published on September 25, 2022, assuming we go back one chapter to the second chapter before that. It demonstrates that there was a seven-day interval between the two dates.

Based on this, we may expect the next episode of this Manhwa toe release on October 7, 2022. After that, you may read the Manhwa on various websites, and we’ll update you when new chapters release.


Lezhin Comics, Toomics, Netcomics, Webtoons, Tapas, and Tappytoon all provide official Manhwa for reading. These are the authorized locations to read Manhwa. Also, accessing these materials is lawful so you won’t face the consequences.

The action in the series is its strongest point; it largely highlights how powerful and capable the main character is. Because of how one acquires power, the fights are the major draw of the series and are comparable to the main attraction of a video game.

The same joyful feeling as playing a hack-and-slash game like Devil May Cry or God of War is experienced when seeing Jin-Woo chop through waves of opponents or defeat a formidable monster in the most dramatic manner imaginable. It’s enjoyable despite not being difficult. But because the conflicts are so fascinating and compelling.

For A Thousand Years Old Chapters, Covertly Grow

There are many chapters here, but we will discuss some shortly.

Chapter 1

This blog is titled “Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years Chapter 23.” This blog article will discuss Jin Yong’s book Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years. The story, which takes place in the Tang Dynasty, is about two young men, Lu Xun and Yan Gushi, who fall in love but cannot express it. Even though they have issues, they continue to work on their relationship until they finally face the facts and separate.

Cultivate in Secrecy for a Thousand Years is a brilliantly written narrative that will impact you despite its small length. Because of the characters’ realistic appearance and strong writing, it’s simple to feel sympathy for them. Also, very wonderfully done is the setting. Giving the narrative a distinct vibe distinguishes it from other works in ancient China. In conclusion, everyone who likes Chinese literature or historical romances should not miss Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years.

Chapter 2

“Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years” is the title of the chapter. For a thousand years, people have been growing plants. And it still ranks among the core tenets of Taoism. Planting and caring for plants is a method to connect with nature and live in peace with the rest of the planet.

Although there are different plant growth methods, the fundamental concept remains the same: your plants require enough sunshine. Plants need water and soil nutrients to flourish and produce gorgeous flowers or veggies. Growing plants may be a peaceful way to connect with nature and create something lovely if you know what you’re doing.

Chapter 3

The bamboo forest has concealed in the mountain foothills. A hidden garden that has been maintained for a thousand years. The front garden, the rear garden, the inner garden, and the outer garden were the four divisions of the park.

The front garden was where the yarrow and bamboo plants flourished. They used Bamboo to manufacture baskets and other utensils, and yarrow helped cleanse and purify the blood. The inner garden raised leeks, ginger, garlic, and onions. They employed them in both medicinal and cooking. Chrysanthemums, orchids, and roses were present in the outside garden.

The residents of this region were Buddhist monks. To avoid traveling into the city for food, they planted veggies here. They would visit there to meditate and pray as well.

Chapter 4

The most effective approach to developing a thousand-year life is to use a secret technique passed down for hundreds of years. Not only is the old way of life healthful, but it also fosters interpersonal harmony and increases productivity.

With the help of this technique, you may establish a way of life that will benefit you for many years to come. Also, you can forge solid bonds with the individuals you care about, enhancing their health. Also, this approach will increase your productivity and effectiveness at work.

There are several advantages if you use this unorthodox method. Continue reading if you want to understand more about it.

Chapter 5

Plants have grown for a thousand years. This process is known as Qigong. Qigong is a traditional Chinese practice that uses breathing and movement to enhance health and well-being.

Qigong cured various ailments for hundreds of years, including stress, anxiety, and sleeplessness. In addition, some qigong practitioners think it may even extend your life.

Learning Qigong is simple, even if you have never exercised before. Learning the fundamentals from an experienced teacher is ideal for practicing Qigong. After familiarizing yourself with the fundamentals, you may begin independent practice at home.

Chapter 6

Growing plants has become a significant aspect of daily life in the future setting of Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years.

In this group is Juniper Green. She is a young lady who dedicated her entire life to cultivating plants. She has unrivaled abilities, and most people in her nation hold her in high regard. But, on the other side, Juniper aspires to be among the greatest growers in the world, not simply a decent one.

Because of this goal, Juniper enrolled at the elite Academy of Flowers, a school her ancestors founded long ago to teach plant cultivation. She made new friends who were also talented students, and the three of them began collaborating hard to accomplish their objectives.

Juniper and her classmates gave the exams the Academy assigned them their best effort, but they could not succeed. Improving their skills, they disappoint by this setback, but it didn’t stop them. The fact that they were proud of what they had accomplished was more important to them than the fact that they ultimately failed to achieve their objective.

Chapter 7

In this chapter, we’ll discuss the benefits of hidden cultivation and why it’s necessary to practice it. We’ll also discuss some of the various techniques for hidden nurturing and how to pick the one that works best for you.

There are several valid reasons why personal cultivation has persisted for so long. One benefit is that it could improve your ability to focus and pay attention. It is because you must focus solely on the work and refrain from thinking about anything else.

Also, it improves your memory and way of thinking. It is because it improves your mental clarity and logical reasoning. When pressed for time, prioritizing teaches you to make wiser choices, leading to better judgments overall.

Finally, hidden cultivation can improve your ability to cope with pressure or difficult situations. It is because it boosts your confidence. It would help if you acted decisively and calmly amid trying circumstances.

Chapter 8

As the sun slowly sets, I reflect on Chapter 7’s contents. I never expected to have an interest in this topic. But there’s something about it that intrigues me.

I’ve intrigued by the concept of covert cultivation. Furthermore, reading about it in Chapter 7 fueled my curiosity. While it looks like an extreme way of life, I’m interested. Who wouldn’t want to be able to perform a task secretly?

Finding out more about it is still useful, even if I have yet to experience it.

Frequently Ask Question

When does Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years Chapter 23 release in the US?

Mark your calendars! The next chapter of “Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years” will release on September 24, 2022, at 7:30 AM Pacific. Watch our website for updates on new anime, manga, or Manhwa releases.

Where is the most current chapter located?

Regarding tapas, Read the newest episode of the Manhwa on Tapas, Webtoons, Tappytoon, Lezhin Comics, Toomics, and Netcomics! These are the authorized locations where you may find the Manhwa, making it simpler to read in the finest method.

Should I read the most recent chapter online?

Yes. Online reading Chapter 23 of Secretly Grow for a Thousand Years is the quickest option. But, if you only want to catch up on the series, reading the Manhwa online will save you time and money. If you like real copies, you should purchase them.


Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years Chapter 23  is pivotal in the book. That is the turning point in Liu Xuan’s realization of the full scope of his abilities. It also portends the difficulties he would have later in both his personal and spiritual journeys.

The author combines sensory details and detailed descriptions to give the reader an engaging and vivid experience throughout the chapter. The character development is modest yet effective. And are choreographing and captivating the action sequences. They left readers wanting more and looking forward to the story’s next chapter at the chapter’s conclusion.

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