Step-by-Step Guide Step-by-Step Guide if you want to find a YouTube video’s ID but need to know how. In this article, we will show you how to get the YouTube video ID from a URL step by step. We will also discuss the different kinds of YouTube URLs and give you more information about them.

How to figure out YouTube URLs:

Before getting the YouTube video ID from a URL, knowing the different kinds of URLs is essential. So there are three main kinds of URLs for YouTube:

Regular URLs: These are the URLs you see in your browser’s address bar when you go to a YouTube video page, like [].

Short URLs: A service like Bitly or TinyURL has shortened these (

Embedded URLs: To put a YouTube video on a website, one uses these URLs:

How to Get a YouTube Video ID from a Regular URL To get the ID of a YouTube video from a standard URL, look for the “v” parameter in the URL’s query string. The value of the “v” parameter is the video ID.

Take this YouTube URL as an example:

“t6o6myn36vc” is the video ID in this URL. Hence, the “v” parameter in the URL’s query string is “t6o6myn36vc.”

How to Find the ID of a YouTube Video from a Shortened URL

To get the ID of a YouTube video from a shortened URL, you first need to make the URL longer—a service like unshortened. I can help you do this.

Once you have the full URL, you can follow Section 2 to get the video ID from the URL.

How to Get a YouTube Video ID from an Embedded URL

Find the “embed” parameter in the URL’s query string to get the YouTube video ID from an embedded URL. The value of the “embed” parameter is the video ID.

Then take this URL for a YouTube video: as an example.

However, “t6o6myn36vc” is the video ID in this URL. You can see that the “embed” parameter in the URL’s query string has the value “t6o6myn36vc.”

More information about URLs and YouTube

URLs include timestamps.

You can also link to a specific part of a YouTube video by putting a timestamp in the URL. The format adds timestamps to the end of the video ID. You use X for minutes and Y for seconds.

For example, if you want to link to a video starting at 1 minute and 30 seconds, you would add “?t=1m30s” to the end of the video ID.

Playlists URLs

You can also make and share playlists on YouTube. Although playlist URLs differ from regular video URLs in how they are put together. The video ID in the URL of a playlist

It is changed to a playlist ID, a string of characters that lets you know the playlist.

Take this URL for a YouTube playlist as an example:

“PLx0sYbCqOb8TBPRdmBHs5Iftvv9TPboYG” is the ID of the playlist in this URL.

Channel URLs:

however, The URLs for YouTube channels are also unique. A channel URL looks like this:, then the channel ID.

Take this URL for a YouTube channel as an example:

In this URL, the channel ID is “UC6M1qwJbR-6lI7zoiaKvFbA.”

Live stream URLs are also URLs used to stream live videos on YouTube. Hence the word “live” in the URL lets you know that these URLs differ from regular video URLs in their format.

Take this YouTube live stream URL as an example:

The word “live” is in the URL, as you can see. So it means that this is a URL for a live stream.

 Frequently Ask Question

What kind of URL is

The URL appears in your browser’s address bar when you go to a YouTube video page.

Can I use the video ID to put a YouTube video on my site?

You also can put a YouTube video on your site using the video ID.

Can I use the video ID to share a specific part of a YouTube video?

You also can share a specific part of a YouTube video using the video ID and timestamp.

Can I use JavaScript to find the video ID from a YouTube URL?

Yes, a YouTube URL can be used with JavaScript to find the video ID.

Can the video ID of a YouTube video be changed?

No, changing a YouTube video’s video ID is impossible.

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