Crazy Princess Renia Review Updates

Crazy Princess Renia Spoiler: Complete Review 2023

Korean Novel is trendy right now. I’m about to write a Crazy Princess Renia spoiler that comes from a reliable source. We’ll read this Novel all through, and you’ll see why it’s so popular now.

This Novel came out in 2019 with 221 chapters in it. No one has time to read each chapter, so my article will give you a good idea of this Novel. This article will tell you everything about this Novel’s main plot. Then you may choose to read all its chapters.

Asura Lin wrote this Novel, which has a lot of politics, romance, fantasy, and drama. If you like romantic novels as much as I do, this will be one of your best novels.

Crazy Princess Renia Spoiler

So let’s talk about things that give away what happens in this Novel, which is our main point. We will do a full review of both the characters and the events. By doing this, you’ll also enjoy reading and stay interested. Second, this will make it easy to understand what’s happening in the story.

The Main Character

Princess Renia is the most exciting and vital character in this Novel. She looks like an angel from heaven because she has blonde hair and beautiful green eyes. Renia is the Fontiano Empire’s only princess.

At first, she lives in a beautiful palace with her parents. With them, she had a beautiful life. But once his parents die, everything changes for her. Renia’s life changes entirely because of these things.

Her behavior was worsening, and bad memories from her past made it hard for her to sleep at night. She couldn’t think straight because of these painful memories. Because of this, she started punishing good people and denying the truth.

But all of a sudden, she realizes that she is making things hard for her subjects. Renia stops believing in herself because she feels so lost. Then, as expected, some people stand with her, and some stand against her.

We can see that Renia has a kind heart. Her younger sister’s name is Merlina. Usually, she is in charge of the exams and doesn’t let anyone else get in her way. Some people think she’s crazy, and others think she’s a dictator. So, people will have different feelings about Renia. But she has a good heart and is the main character in this Novel.

Duke Clovis Zenoff

Her husband is Clovis, who is a duke. Her dad set up this wedding. Renia loved her father a lot at first, but that love turned into anger over time. Her mother died soon after, and her father made deals with God. On the first day of Spring, her father let her out into the world. It hit her head hard and hurt her badly.

Renia’s sadness and pain began when she married the Duke. After that, her life changed in a big way.

Duke’s brother was jealous of how good he was and worried he would win the throne someday. So he planned for him and tried to get rid of him. He set up a marriage between Renia and Duke so he could carry out his plans. Renia fell in love with Duke the moment she saw him, and they seemed like a perfect and lovely couple at this point in their lives.

Story Plot of Crazy Princess Renia Spoiler

Now comes the prominent spoiler, which gives you an idea of how the story goes and the main idea.


As I said, Duke’s brother was jealous and wanted to get rid of him because he was good. After Renia got married, King got sick with a terrible disease. Then he asked Duke to watch over his son, but Duke said no.

Then, the King or his followers said the Duke had poisoned the King and wanted to take over. After that, the Queen and her supporters planned to kill Renia and her husband. So, they send her poisoned chocolate, but her husband eats it instead. After that, he died and told Renia that they would meet again in the next life.

The plan was for them to say that Renia killed her husband. No one believed her when she tried to defend herself. Then she went to jail.

In prison, she got a knife, which she used to kill herself while the baby was still inside her. This part of the Novel is the saddest, making me cry.


Crazy Princess Renia Spoile, the story moves on to reincarnation, where the younger Renia can be found. She is now pretending to be crazy because she doesn’t want to get married to him. Renia was a lovely person before she was reborn, but now she is a crazy princess with a very different attitude.

Duke, the main character, is a child now and can’t remember anything about his past. But sometimes, he sees clips from the past that don’t make any sense at all. Duke is looking for the woman and keeps seeing her in his dreams. But he can’t do it, so he keeps looking for portraits of women who look like those in his dreams. He is also trying to find her with the help of countries nearby while staying out of his brother’s sight.

Then he hears a story from someone similar to his visions. Now, he decides to go to that palace, where he meets Renia, the main character. He finds out at some point that she knows her. Now, he thinks that, based on what he has seen, his brother will want to set up their wedding. The male lead is said to be a lovely person. There are a lot of sexy scenes in the Novel, which makes it even more popular.

It is the main plot of the Novel, and it is exciting. The Novel has a lot of interesting scenes and points that make it more interesting to read.

Weird Fiction Monsters!

There were many strange and crazy animals in Renia’s Kingdom. Renia, the crazy princess, was known for her love for animals. We will show you some strange animals living in the Kingdom of Princess Renia, who is a bit crazy.


This Novel also talks about a colossal squid. It is a big animal that lives in the ocean. It has giant, strong tentacles make it easy to crush even the most significant ship. When it comes to size, it is more significant than a whale.

It only proves that it is a mythical beast. It is added to the story to make it more attractive and catch the reader’s attention.

Three-headed Dog

First, there is a description of a massive dog with three heads and a size as big as an elephant. He is Princess Renia’s primary protector and fights anyone who tries to hurt her.

So, this is one of the most strange animals in the Kingdom of Princess Renia, who is a bit crazy. He’s always with the princess, which shows how much she loves animals.

A fire-breathing dragon

Crazy Princess Renia Spoile, in addition to the strange animals listed above, Crazy Princess has a fire-breathing dragon as a friend.

This dragon is one of the princess’s subjects and is very loyal to her. Its fire is so hot that even steel melts in it. He often flies to the Kingdom with a dog that has three heads.

These two are her pet and strange animals, which help the crazy princess rule over everyone.

If we look, we will see many strange things in the Kingdom of Crazy Princess, which makes this novel more interesting. When these kinds of things are brought up, they also make people curious.

After reading the Novel, you’ll realize that the crazy Princess Renia is the strangest person you’ve ever met. Sometimes you’ll find her mind is off, and sometimes you’ll think her choices are crazy. Sometimes you might even feel sorry for her, and sometimes she might even be nice.

The prominent people in this story are Princess Renia and her brother, Prince Philip. It cost his sister. He betrays here.

Male Lead Meets Female Lead in Novel?

It’s a frequent inquiry concerning this Novel. ML and FL meet in chapters 5 through 7 of Manhwa (Here, Manhwa is the joint work for comics and print cartoons in general Korean terms).

So if you want to know how they met, you can go straight to chapters 5–7. This Novel has 5 Volumes and 1 Side Story Volume, up to 221 chapters.


Crazy Princess Renia Spoiler is the Novel is mostly about politics, but it also has a bit of romance, fantasy, and drama. It’s exciting because of this mix. I thought ML was more interesting than the crazy Princess. But everyone has their preferences, and most people like the crazy princess.

The FL, crazy princess Renia is a natural person in the story, and everything about her is attractive. You won’t get bored at any point in the story when you read about her.

Since she has a lot of ups and downs in her life, this is how her mind is in the story. Asura Lin is brilliant for putting the princess in such a role. Sometimes she is crazy; sometimes, she is smart; sometimes, she is mean.

So, it’s a great mix of politics, romance, and fantasy. In this spoiler, this Novel is one of the best I will have, and everyone should read it. After that, I could see why this is so popular and why people are also crazy about it, like crazy Princess Renia.

Ultimately, I’ll ask readers to leave comments and share this spoiler, so interested people can see it and know what it’s all about the story. This crazy princess Renia spoiler can help people who aren’t sure whether or not they want to read this Novel.

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